Everything You Need To Stay Flexible, Strong, And Pain-Free To Live A Passion-Filled Life!
Imagine life with no more pain or stiffness in your body – reaping the benefits of having full range of motion again...
Are you sick of avoiding painful movements and blaming your discomfort on getting older? Your body is meant to MOVE in every range of motion – WITHOUT ANY PAIN for a lifetime!
If you are living with some type of chronic pain, what I'm about to share with you is the most effective method to assess and address all the major joints and muscles in the body for complete range of motion and strength.
Together, we'll reduce your pain, fix your range of motion discrepancies, increase mobility, strength and flexibility.
If you've tried YouTube yoga therapy videos, or somthing similar, and for whatever reason it hasn't worked out for you... I advise you to approach pain-free movement from a Doctor's perspective...
Have you ever:
- Tried online yoga classes before, but two days later you're in pain again.
- Not felt confident that you can do the right poses, and thought you'll hurt yourself even more if you try.
- Thought attending an in-person yoga class is intimidating, or expensive to do every month.
- Thought to yourself, "will yoga even work for me? No matter what I try to do I'm still experiencing pain."
Relief from chronic pain is possible without expensive surgery or pain medications
I can’t tell you how many times someone comes into my office and says, "I can’t even try to move like that, because I’m afraid it will hurt."
So we unwind the limitations / restrictions and viola!
They can move into that range they have been avoiding for so long!
No matter your age or experience, this program is everything you need to achieve immediate life-changing results for your health and well-being.
With just a few minutes of simple exercises a day, together you and I will go through every major joint in your body for full range of motion and strength. Then I teach you how to fix those movement discrepancies through simple movement prescriptions.
This is life-time access into a step-by-step program educating you about your body, your health and giving you a Doctor's insight into what is physically happening to your body while practicing yoga.
Inside this program you get:
- Over 70 videos, walking you through every assessment and pose together.
- Additional course material and resources to educate you and track your progress.
- Detailed, in-depth training to keep you healthy for the rest of your life.
- Share you journey with others, inside the pain-free movement online Facebook Group.
- Get Direct Access to me Malori, the YOGA DOCTOR for all your questions and support.
- Receive access to all future updates of this program
So what does this cost?
Well let me ask you, what is it costing you NOT to purchase?
Your health and quality of life is priceless...
To neglect the pain you're feeling is doing yourself a disservice.
So just for a moment, imagine the feeling you'll have when you'll be able to comfortably move around with your kids/grandkids and be able to get up and off the floor.
Together, you and I can start getting you immediate life-changing results!
With Love and health,
The Yoga Doctor
Your Instructor
Hey there! I'm Dr. Malori Tinsley – AKA the YOGA DOCTOR
I'm a board-certified Doctor of Chiropractic, specializing in Chiropractic Applied Kinesiology.
It is my life’s passion to alleviate patients from the pain that they are experiencing, allowing them to function optimally so they can also live out their passion.
When I first started Chiropractic school, I realized that yoga is the BEST adjunct to chiropractic care...
So when I started treating patients I quickly realized they needed a movement program that helps them to assess their range of motion, strength and flexibility BEFORE attending a yoga class.
A lot of them couldn’t get on and off a yoga mat or move into a simple yoga pose without feeling pain or discomfort.
So I'd help them assess every single major joint in their body for range of motion and strength. Then, fix those movement discrepancies through simple movement prescriptions which result in better movement, less pain, and the confidence to attend an online or in person yoga class.
Does this sounds like YOU?
Then Join Me Inside The Pain Free Movement Series Today!
-Dr. Malori Tinsley